Tuesday 6 November 2012

...but all religions teach the same thing - part 2

 I know its a long wait for what one may consider to be a sequel.  I am going to end this current post by pointing out another fundamental template to differentiate between all religions.

All religions have an origin story and i.e. where have we come from then have the central part which is invariably reffered to as 'life'. Finally comes the destination which could be favorable or unfavorable depending on how well you did in your test. Also who or what is it that we should listen to get to the favorable destination.

I think if we try an analyze all religions vis-a-vis the above model. We would have more clarity life and its purpose in general

Saturday 24 March 2012

...but all religions teach the same thing

Bismillahir Rahman Nir Raheem

My first blog at at last!!! I had a lot of topics that I wanted to talk about, but chose to talk about a common misconceptions about religion. People often say that "Oh - but all religions teach the same thing","every religion talks love and peace: etc. Live and let live seems to be there motto.However appealing these thoughts may sound, I think it is an oversimplification of the matter. Its a very naive way to look at the idea of religion.

 I do agree yes that there is a great degree of overlap among some aspects of the major religions. For example most religions teach that "one must be nice to parents", "one must do good","give charity" etc. But beyond these outer superficial level lie some subtle differences.

I am not even going to try to outline all or the major difference here because I neither do have the knowledge or the time.

Instead, one must think about the below questions and try and learn how is that all religions differ from each other

1) Who is God ?

2) Why has He brought us into existence ? i,e.what is our purpose

Now I dont have the authority to speak about other religions I am just trying to answer the above questions basis the videos mentioned below

The above video beautifully summarizes question .

(A brief translation of the surah 114 that Sheikh Yusuf estes recites in the first few minutes)

qul huwa allahu ahadun
Say, "He is Allah, [who is] One,

allahu alssamadu
Allah, the Eternal Refuge.

lam yalid walam yooladu
He neither begets nor is born,

walam yakun lahu kufuwan ahadun
Nor is there to Him any equivalent."


The above video is about 12 mins beautifully summarizes the purpose of life and what muslims recite in the the their prayer while standing